High-Speed Internet Surveys

Grant programs provide funds based on demonstrated lack of service or low internet speeds. The more information we have on resident’s current internet speed, the better our case will be for getting funding and support needed to fund the broadband installation. Testing your current internet speed can be done quickly and easily from any device through the Minnesota Rural Broadband Coalition. On their website, you will find the speed test and you will find a lot of other great information available there as well. Please go to: http://mnruralbroadbandcoalition.com/.

In addition to obtaining funding, we will need to find an internet provider willing to invest in providing service to our community. Please take our broadband survey, put together for us by Paul Bunyan Communications, to show potential service providers that there is demand in our community for high-speed internet service. Just click on the link to start the short survey…. https://balkan.survey.paulbunyan.net

Thank you for your support!