Information Station presents: “Aging with Gusto” at the Balkan Community Center January, February and March 2025

Aging With Gusto 2025 Information Station

Come one, come all to the Aging with Gusto programs (see below for all the details). As part of Balkan Age Friendly we are presenting a three-part series to all residents.

We are an aging community, and we need to look at aging as a benefit not as an older person to be ignored.  Balkan as a community is looking to support residents and is committed to becoming more age friendly. We have recently been accepted for AARP certification for Age-Friendly Livable Communities. This designation will offer our community more ideas on how to keep people in their homes longer and add to our resources.

There is so much to learn and discuss about aging and we need to rethink how we think and discuss aging.  I would like you to think about aging as an opportunity versus an end result.  The program is an educational and social outing with benefits.

Information Station presents “Aging with Gusto”

Aging with Gusto is a three-part, interactive series led by a trained facilitator that aims to ignite more positive views on aging.

You do not have to attend each session but you will gain more knowledge toward a path for better aging, no matter your age.

Time 11:00 – 12:30 Location Balkan Community Center-Light Lunch Provided

Please RSVP to Misty Hendrickson at 218-254-3967 We look forward to seeing you!

January 24, 2025 Session One

What contributes to your aging with gusto?

February 28, 2025 Session Two

How can you recognize and respond to ageism?

March 28, 2025 Session Three

How can you use your value and goals to live a life with gusto?

It is no secret that society favors youth and shies away from aging. Everyone is aging and if we shy away from aging, we shy away from our future selves.

Let’s create more positive views on aging and live longer! Come and join us for a fun, social learning experience.